Where in the World are We?

To see where in the world we've been:

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Rangitoto Island

Our last major activity in New Zealand was a day trip to Rangitoto Island - a volcanic island that formed about 600 years ago.

Cruise ride through the harbor.

Find the sky needle!

Lighthouse, currently fully automated.

Another island in the harbor. 

Volcanic field on the island.

Inside of the crater.

Lava flow caves.

View from the summit.

Very rare kidney ferns.

Stoat/rat traps all over the island (and all over NZ) to catch non-native species.  I have very mixed feelings about this - I understand trying to save the lovely native birds, but the stoats didn't ask to come here!  They were brought by colonists so that they could feel more at home hunting stoats and making fur coats.  Maybe we should remove the invasive humans first?  Just a thought.

Back in the city - more sky tower!

Panorama from the summit.

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