Where in the World are We?

To see where in the world we've been:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lemurlandia, Nosy Be

We took a day trip to Lemurlandia, on the edge of Lokobe Park. Lokobe may one day be turned into a National Park. Madagascar set aside some land for a reserve and is planning on building a trail system once they get enough money for the project. To get to the real park from Hell-ville is difficult, and includes both a taxi and a boat ride. You also need to stay overnight at a hotel called Jungle Village to hike in Lokobe. Since we only wanted to do a day trip, we choose to visit the zoological park Lemurlandia. We took a tuk-tuk (mini taxi) there for 10,000 ariary ($4 round trip, 15 min each way). Our young driver had never been to Lemurlandia, so he walked through the park with us. He revised our offers of sunscreen, bananas, and water. I think he liked it, though communicating with him was hard, since we don't speak French nor Malagasy.

Cute Madagascar pigs:


Scary spider:

Papaya tree, Caryl's favorite tree:

Giant turtles!!


Beautiful views:

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