Where in the World are We?

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Friday, December 19, 2014

I ate a spider on Thanksgiving in Phnom Penh!

We continued our walking tour of the city with a stop to Wat Toul Thom Poung (pictures 1-4).  Then, we headed south to the Russian Market.  It is so named because there used to be many Russian tourists in Cambodia (I would argue there still are), and this was the main tourist market.  Now the Central Market has taken over that title, but the Russian Market is still a good place to buy souvenirs.  Oh, and to eat spiders!  Caryl did not believe me when I said I could eat a bug, so I had to prove him wrong.  Unfortunately for me, they only had fried spiders (I was hoping for maybe a worm or something less terrifying).  Anyway, it wasn't too bad!  The legs tasted like onion rings and the body like paté.  I am preparing for the day when bugs become our main source of protein as the world population continues to grow and raising beef and pork for food will no longer be sustainable (pictures 5-7).

We then headed further north to another wat, Wat Mohamontrei (pictures 8-12).

We finished off Thanksgiving Day with a feast at a wonderful local restaurant near our hotel.  Unfortunately they didn't serve turkey... (Pictures 13 & 14).

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