Where in the World are We?

To see where in the world we've been:

Friday, February 28, 2014

2-28 Playa Del Carmen, Chichen Itza, and Coba, Mexico

We spent 2 nights in total in Playa del Carmen, mostly relaxing and checking out the beach.

This cat reminded me of Xavier:

Playa del Carmen:

Extreme street performers:

We got up early the next morning to take a bus to Chichen Itza, a huge Maya ruins complex and one of the seven wonders of the modern world. While the ruins are massive and breathtaking, Caryl and I kept thinking how wonderful it would be if we could walk closer to them, as they were all roped off and could only be viewed from a slight distance. Ever since an American fell off and perished a few years ago, they no longer let anyone anywhere near anything dangerous.

Finally made it:

Side view:

Close up:

My favorite, the Caracol (Snail) Observatory:

The Nunnery:

Lots and lots of souvenir booths:

From a distance:

"Soccer" field - the small opening protruding from the side is the goal:

Caryl playing "Where's Waldo" amongst the tourists:

Caught an iguana doing yoga:

Check out all the skulls - this commemorates fallen soldiers, and scares off potential enemies:

Lots and lots of columns:

And one more view of the "Castillo" - the main temple.

We spent the night in Hotel Chichen Itza, just down the road, in downtown Piste. As we were quite hungry, we ventured out to find a snack. While walking, we were innundated by the overwhelming smell of spicy grilled chicken. We sat down to one of our best meals yet! One whole grilled chicken, rice, tortillas, and bean soup. It was obvious the owner wasn't expecting anyone to actually eat at the restaurant, as it was mostly a busy takeout place, and he had to run next door to stealthely grab a can on beans, and ask his wife (the grill master) how much to charge (about ten bucks).

The next day was another early morning, with a second class bus (read, stops all.the.time. The guy in front actually spit on the floor. But ac worked!) ride to Coba. Here we finally got our climbing fix, as this temple, the tallest in all of the Yucatan, still lets tourists climb.

Lagoon just outside the ruin entrance (we did not see any crocs):

Map of Coba:

Feeling confident and ready to climb:

Relieved to have made it (scarier than it looks!):

Caryl heading back down:

Back on solid ground!

In a good mood, some pics of us goofing around:

And after a quick bus ride to Tulum, we celebrated with some cheap vodka :)

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