Where in the World are We?

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Monday, February 24, 2014

2-24 Cozumel

We've mainly been taking it easy these last few days - giving Caryl's dislocated thumb time to recover. He's doing much better - we're hopeful a week or two more and it'll be like new. We've mainly been snorkeling during the day and attending Carnival at night, with frequent stops at Mega, the grocery store, for water, yogurts, and coffee. I'm really loving snorkeling - while it sounds cliche, I feel like it's opened up a whole new world - I guess I never thought about all the life just under the ocean's surface.

While we've managed to stay mostly safe, we did almost get run over by a boat 2 days ago. We were swimming, and all of a sudden a boat wanted to dock at the pier near us, and honked for us to move. I of course immediately panicked and started swimming around in circles, sure I was destined to become fish food. I thought the boat would be unable to stop, and we wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. Thankfully, Caryl managed to calm me down a bit while the boat captain patiently waited for us to move aside - apparently boats are very agile and maneuverable - who would have known! While this cut our underwater exploring short the first day, yesterday we found an awesome (and free) open beach access point, right next to the Swim with Rays park. So, we got to see the rays, and all the other fish waiting to be fed. Best part - no boats!

Here are some pictures from Carnival (including very sketchy electrical wiring):

1 comment:

  1. Ania, we honeymooned in Cozumel and just loved it. Looks like you are enjoying also. Take care and be safe.
